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Dr. Phyo KOKO

Dr. Phyo KOKO

Skin cancer Specialist

Dr. Phyo KOKO is an experienced GP specializing in primary care, skin cancer management, and minor surgical procedures.

Opening Hours


  • FRACGP (June 2021), awarded by RACGP, Australia
  • MBBS (March 2008), awarded by University of Medicine 2, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Current & All Previous Medical Licensing Authorities

Type of registration Date (from/to) Registering authority
Medical Practitioner
22/09/2015 to present
Medical Practitioner
26/12/2009 to 22/12/2017
Myanmar Medical Council

Memberships of Professional Organisations:


Certificates & Courses:

Date Course/Certificate
CPD statement attached
Skin Cancer Medicine Certificate
The emergency medicine course by The Alfred Hospital

Additional Clinical/Procedural Skills

  • Supervisor (intern, registrar and IMG)
  • Skin Cancer Management (skin check, biopsy, excision, rotational flap , skin graft)
  • Fracture management in primary care including management of dislocation, plaster application)
  • Foreign body removal from Corneal and ear canal with use of slit lamp
  • Minor surgical procedure – partial matrixectomy and wedge resection of toenail
  • Routine antenatal, perinatal and postnatal care
  • Subdermal hormonal implant (implanon) insertion and removal
  • Management of epistaxis including nasal packing and rapid rhino balloon insertion
  • Urinary catheterisation (male and female), nasogastric intubation
  • Mental Health Management (assessment, consultation, focus psychological strategies)


Yarrawonga Denis Medical Group

Start/end dates 29th November 2018 to date
Position title
GP full time
Registering Authority


  • Communicate effectively and appropriately with all patients, ensuring the patient privacy, confidentiality, and by building therapeutic relationships.
  • Provide culturally appropriate communication to people of Aboriginal and Torres Islander Origin, and people of culturally and linguistically diverse background.
  • Provide the holistic and patient-centred primary care including early identification of diseases, managing health conditions of all aged groups within the competency level such as appropriate investigations, referrals and treatments.
  • Provide individualized health needs, health promotions with or without coordinated care with hospitals, specialists, allied health professionals.
  • Appropriate documentation in the patient’s health record including utilising My Health Record online with the patient’s consent.
  • Provide age-appropriate immunisations according to the national immunisation program (NIP), catch-up immunisation program, antenatal immunisation and travel immunisation.
  • Upload the information of immunisation to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
  • Provide appropriate GP chronic disease management plan and team care arrangements to enhance the primary care including collaboration with allied health professionals such as podiatrist, physiotherapist, optometrist, dietitian and diabetic educator.
  • Identify and provide appropriate referrals to patients who would benefit from the rehabilitation program such as cardiac, pulmonary, chronic pain and addiction to drug and alcohol.
  • Provide women health including family planning, contraceptive advice including Implanon insertion and removal, antenatal care, post-natal care, perimenopausal and post-menopausal care.
  • Provide mental health including risk assessment, diagnosis, initial counselling, treatments, mental health care plan and appropriate referrals to the hospitals, the psychologists and psychiatrists.
  • Provide advice on the preventive measures such as bowel cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, mammography, bone DEXA scan by identifying patients at risks.
  • Identify and provide the health assessments to patients such as 4 years-old healthy kid check, people at risk of diabetes, people of more than 75 years old, refugees and people of Aboriginal and Torres Islander Origin.
  • Perform minor surgeries including taking biopsies (punch, shave and excisional, flap and skin graft), skin excision, cyst removal, lump removal, wound repair, foreign body removal.
  • Perform ophthalmological examination, otoscopy, dermoscopy and provide appropriate treatment.
  • Provide urgent or emerging emergency care to patients and appropriately transfer the care to the local ambulance services and hospitals.
  • Provide assessments, diagnosis and treatments to patient with work related injuries and coordinate with appropriate third parties (such as rehabilitation provider, insurance companies and solicitors) to ensure the patients received the expected and appropriate care.
  • Identify, provide and promote culturally appropriate health care services to people of Aboriginal and Torres Islander Origin such as “Closing the Gap.
  • Provide telehealth conference consultation to patients who needs specialist assessment and management.
  • Utilize the appropriate interpreter services (via phone or in person) for people of non-English speaking patients and patients with impairment such as deafness.
  • Ensuring the appropriate reminders are sent to the patients for the follow-up assessment, preventive measures, reviews.
  • Ensuring the requested investigations, such as imaging and lab results, are interpreted in a timely manner and any urgent or outstanding actions are followed up appropriately with patients.
  • Participate in the active learning modules, local pharmaceutical workshops, presentations, quality improvement programs and self-directed activities.
  • Work related injury assessment and management, certification of capacity, medical report writing
  • Commercial driving medical assessment and private driving medical assessment
  • Work with practice manager, practice nurse, reception staff to identify and appropriately document the needs, gaps, incidents and risks to ensure the necessary actions are timely addressed and better managed.
  • Visiting Medical Officer at the Yarrawonga District Hospital – provide in-patient care, participate in the on call roster to provide emergency and urgent care at the urgent care centre of YH.
  • Supervising medical students, interns and registrars, overseas trained doctors (day to day supervisor)

Lavington Doctors

Start/end dates 23/11/2015 to 10/10/2018 (2 years 11 months)
Position title
General Practitioner (full time, 49 hours per week)
Location (Incl country)
70/351 Griffith Road Lavington NSW 2641 Australia
Registering Authority
  • Women health including reproductive and sexual health, antenatal and postnatal care, perimenopausal and post-menopausal conditions, cervical cancer screening, appropriate referral to specialist, midwife and hospital
  • Child Health including health assessment, immunisation, medications
  • Mental Health including mental health assessment, management, anti-psychiatric medication, counselling,
    mental health plan, referral to specialist and follow up as necessary
  • Chronic Disease Management such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, obesity, chronic pain, chronic respiratory diseases, osteoarthritis including assessment, planning and continuing management, appropriate referral to specialist, GP management plan and team care arrangement with allied health professionals
  • Emergency medicine including injury, removal of foreign body from body, ear and eye; repair of wound, burn management, appropriate referral to emergency department, local and regional hospitals.
  • Travel Medicine providing advice, assessment, patient education and immunisation
  • Surgical and orthopaedic management including initial assessment, investigation, diagnosis, management, appropriate referral and aftercare
  • Health assessment including age related health assessment, Aboriginal and Torres Islander health assessment, refugee health assessment, pre-employment health assessment
  • Non-surgical and surgical dermatological management including skin examination including dermatoscopy, biopsy, surgical excision, suturing, wound management, medication
  • Work related injury assessment and management, certification of capacity
  • Work with registered nurse, local pharmacist, allied health professionals such as physiotherapy, podiatrist, chiropractor, mental health worker, social worker, audiologist, optometrist.
  • Performs office-based tests such as urine dipstick, urine HCG test, venepuncture, ECG, spirometry etc.
  • Keep and maintain patient medical record and documentations
  • Notify the local public health unit for any notifiable diseases

Consultation Fees - Standard

Medicare description Practice Fee Medicare Rebate Out of pocket
Brief 3
Standard 23
Long 36

Consultation Fees - Discounted

Medicare description Practice Fee Medicare Rebate Out of pocket
Brief 3
Standard 23
Long 36
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